Device Handbook and Agreement
Distance Learning Device Handbook and Agreement 2023-2024
Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District (RBJUHSD) is committed to preparing all students to be college, career, and life ready. The District believes the use of a Chromebook as an instructional tool to support future-ready and distance learning. Students in need of remote learning can be issued a device for their educational use. If reasonable precautions and care are taken in the use of the device, the Chromebook should not experience physical damage. Each parent/guardian should review this form carefully with their child.
All devices issued to students are to be used to access remote learning and other educational uses. Students are expected to follow the guidelines below and take precautions to protect the device. Students are responsible for taking care of the device.
The goal of this Distance Learning Device Handbook and Agreement is to ensure that parents and students have an understanding of the use of technology, as well as the accompanying policies and procedures in order for students to be successful.
By accepting this equipment, I agree to ensure that my child adheres to the following:
All devices issued to students are to be used to access remote learning and other educational uses. Students are expected to follow the guidelines below and take precautions to protect the device. Students are responsible for taking care of the device.
The goal of this Distance Learning Device Handbook and Agreement is to ensure that parents and students have an understanding of the use of technology, as well as the accompanying policies and procedures in order for students to be successful.
By accepting this equipment, I agree to ensure that my child adheres to the following:
Usage Guidelines
In general, all students are expected to use good judgment and common sense; be safe, appropriate, careful and kind online; not attempt to get around technological protection measures; and ask an adult if they need help.
Parent Expectations and Guide to Safe and Responsible Student Internet Use
This District device is for educational purposes only. Below is a series of suggestions drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you, the parent, in effectively guiding your child's use of the device.
- Use of a technology device provides an exciting learning opportunity for your student(s); participate with them as they learn how to use such instructional tool(s) to enhance their educational experience.
- While the school system will provide Internet content filtering for the security of your student, there is no substitute for parental supervision. Be knowledgeable of where your child goes online.
- Parents should ensure that their child is familiar with and adheres to the Internet policies and guidelines set forth by the Red Bluff Joint Union High School District.
- Encourage your child to use and store the device in an open and safe area of your home, such as the kitchen or family room.
- Parents should review this handbook with their child/children.
Internet Access/Filtering
- As required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, a current content filtering solution is maintained by the District. This is a “good faith” effort to block inappropriate content, but the District cannot guarantee that access to all inappropriate sites will be blocked. It is the responsibility of the user and parent/guardian to follow guidelines for appropriate use of the network and the Internet. RBJUHSD will not be responsible for any problems experienced while on the Internet. Use of any information obtained through the Internet is at the user’s own risk.
- Our Internet content filter will continue to filter content outside the RBJUHSD network. It is the responsibility of the user and parent/guardian to follow guidelines for appropriate use of the Internet.
- Attempting to disable or circumvent Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District’s Internet content filter and firewall, including using or attempting to use proxies to access sites that would otherwise be restricted is not permitted.
Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all. "Copyright" is legal protection for creative intellectual works, which is broadly interpreted to cover just about any expression of an idea. Graphics, art, photographs, music, and software are examples of types of works protected by copyright. Copying, distributing, downloading, and uploading information on the Internet may infringe the copyright for that information. Utilizing sites selling written papers, book reports, and other student work or any act of plagiarism is not permitted.
Usage Guidelines/Discipline
Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited to:
Network activities
Network activities
- Illegal activities, including copyright violations
- Gaining unauthorized access to any network resources, logging in as system administrator or bypassing RBJUHSD content filter or firewall
Content and Software
- Accessing inappropriate or non-educational websites
- Installing software applications that are not approved by the District
- Using another person’s login credentials or sharing passwords
- Vandalizing or tampering with any equipment or software
Physical Hardware
- Attempting to repair, remove or install hardware; opening the Chromebook to access internal parts
Student Conduct
- Cyberbullying in any form is unacceptable. Students will not engage in any cyberbullying activity. In situations in which cyberbullying originating from a District managed device is brought to the attention of school officials, any disciplinary action will be based upon whether the conduct is determined to be so disruptive that it markedly interrupts or severely impedes the day-to-day operation of the educational process. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats, or making a threat on or off school grounds, to harm a member of the school staff or a student. Discipline for cyberbullying will be handled on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate by the school administration. In addition, when any kind of threat is communicated or when a hate crime is committed, it will be reported to local law enforcement.
NOTE: Unacceptable use includes assisting, observing, or joining any unauthorized activity using RBJUHSD technology devices.
Terms of the Device Loan
Terms of Loan
- RBJUHSD will issue a device (Chromebook) upon compliance with the following:
- Legal title to the property (Chromebook) is with Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District.
- A student’s right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with Board Policy 6163.4(a) and the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
- RBJUHSD will make every effort to repair the damaged device. School administrators will report the damage to the technology department who will then make a full damage report and repair cost estimate.
- The student and/or the student’s parent/guardian shall be responsible for compensating the school District for any losses, thefts, or damages to the Chromebook. The student and/or parent/guardian is liable for repair/replacement costs resulting from damage and/or neglect as outlined in this document. The purchase price of the Chromebook is $185. That would be the maximum cost a parent/guardian would be responsible for.
Failure to return the property at the designated times and/or the continued use of it for non-related school purposes may be considered unlawful appropriation of Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District’s property.
Failure to return the property at the designated times and/or the continued use of it for non-related school purposes may be considered unlawful appropriation of Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District’s property.
Expectation of Privacy for Student Chromebook
- Chromebooks/iPads are considered the property of Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District and are not subject to the same privacy expectations as private property.
RBJUHSD will monitor the device in the following ways:
- Teachers and administrators will monitor use to ensure the devices are being used for educational purposes only.
- All Internet traffic will pass through the content filter. This filter will block and log attempts to access inappropriate material.
- Students can only login to the devices with their RBJUHSD account. Any attempt to change this will be seen as a violation.
- Restrictions on the device will block the student from certain functions. Any attempt to circumvent these restrictions will be seen as a violation.
Chromebook Login Procedures
- Students will log in to the RBJUHSD device using their assigned username and password.
- User Name: "s" "grad year" FirstInitialOfFirstName
- Student passwords are set and distributed at the beginning of the school year.
- Students will not be permitted to download or install applications to their Chromebook/ or use a personal login; the RBJUHSD login must be used.
- DO NOT share passwords.
General Care of the Device
- Students are responsible for the device. Always keep it in a secure location.
- Guidelines to follow:
- Always close the lid before moving and/or transporting your Chromebook; do not close the lid with objects inside the Chromebook.
- Liquids, food, and other debris can damage the Chromebook. You should avoid eating or drinking while using the Chromebook.
- Take extreme caution with the screen. Avoid picking up the device by the screen.
- Never attempt to repair or reconfigure the Chromebook.
- Take care when inserting cords, cables, and other removable storage devices to avoid damage to the Chromebook/iPad ports.
- Do not write, draw, paint or place stickers/labels on your Chromebook.
Cleaning Your Device
Below are simple cleaning procedures:
- Always disconnect the device from the power outlet before cleaning.
- Never use liquids on the device screen or keyboard.
- Clean the screen and touchpad with a soft, lint-free cloth or use anti-static screen wipes.
- Wash hands frequently when using the Chromebook to avoid build-up on the touchpad.
Reporting a Damaged Device
To report damaged devices, email within 72 hours of damage. Lost or stolen devices need to be reported to the school administration as soon as possible.
Return of Device
This device is being loaned for the student’s use during remote learning. This device is the property of the Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District.
Acceptance of Responsibility
Borrower agrees to return the equipment in the same condition as when loaned and further agrees to reimburse the District for any loss or damage incurred while the borrower has custody (Board Policy 6161.2). Normal wear and tear is excluded. This device is to be used for educational and school-related purposes.
*This device was sanitized prior to distribution.
To report damaged devices, email within 72 hours of damage. Lost or stolen devices need to be reported to the school administration as soon as possible.
Return of Device
This device is being loaned for the student’s use during remote learning. This device is the property of the Red Bluff Joint Unified High School District.
Acceptance of Responsibility
Borrower agrees to return the equipment in the same condition as when loaned and further agrees to reimburse the District for any loss or damage incurred while the borrower has custody (Board Policy 6161.2). Normal wear and tear is excluded. This device is to be used for educational and school-related purposes.
*This device was sanitized prior to distribution.
1. Two-part power supply 2. Chromebook